To My Other Half - Puisi Ciptaan Dua Blogger

To my other half
But who?
It's not time to worry yet
I'm happy with my own life
Even there are times,
I smile through the pain,
Don’t worry, I will be alright

And just so you know
If someone wants to be a part of somebody’s life,
They will make effort to be in it,
They will fight to acquire it,
They will work to keep it,
For having special ones in their life.

To my other half,
Love has its 
Ups and downs,
Twists and turns,
If we are growing apart
Love me no matter what,
Stay within my sight,
Live forever in my heart.

Maybe you, you, or you,
The one who,
I have waited and devoted my whole life for.
Distance does not matter,
If two hearts are loyal to each other.

If you are my soul,
and I am yours, too.
If two people were ever meant to be,
it’s me and you.

Thanks Nick..

Hana sekarang tengah memperkukuhkan Bahassa Inggeris. Itu yang ada beberapa part dalam entri Hana selitkan Bahasa Inggeris. Termasuklah hasil poem yang tak beberapa nak poem INI . Tak sangka pula Blogger Nick ter'berkenan' terus dia edit poem Hana yang itu sehinggalah nampak sangat tersusun rapi dan penuh bermakna. Poem yang di atas tu hasil karya dia lah :) Sweet kan..

Buka laptop benda pertama Hana buat baca poem ni..Tak jemu rasa..


  1. haha, lepas ni buleh jadi penyajak plak ~ xD

  2. wah,sama la tajuk poem nak letak gmbr tu jgk tapi x jadi.buat poem yg lain plk..nati saya edit :)

  3. gabungan daripada dua idea.. nice :)

  4. so suwit.. siapala org yang bertuah tu

  5. Love me no matter what...fuhhh...ayat best nie...hehehe

  6. Assalamualaikum hana. wahhh bagusnya poem ni. sheila suka! heeeee. baguslah nick edit :)

  7. wow...
    sangat berbakat..
    kalo anna confrm lingkup :)

  8. ya Allah, serious sweet puisi ni! Mst b'bakat betoi!

  9. assalamualaikum...teacher hana hadi :)

    dasat laa hana..skrg dah mula berjinak2 menulis puisi..:)

    bercakap pasal puisi ayie ada idea nk buat entri puisi berilustrasi...insya Allah..hana boleh laa nanti join..:)

  10. @Ayie Abas
    tak pandai sangat hana pun.. inyallah.. hana join.. :)

  11. tu lah kelebihan berbelog . walaupun satu di serawak dan seorang lagi di Muar , bersatu dalam entry ... heheheee

  12. terbaik la =) mmg tersusun..nsb ada kawan blogger yg tolong..smoga dipermudahknNya..mmg ajar budak2 poem ke??

  13. ok, noted.. teacherrrr.. to my other half ^^
